A sample of Boomerang Bags 1067x800

Boomerang Bags Lennox Head

1st and 3rd Saturday each month.

Next event: Saturday, 10 December 2022

Time: 2:30pm - 5pm


Contact Details:

Meet in CWA Hall For further information call 0408 077 795

No meeting on Saturday
17 September

Boomerang Bags Lennox Head began as a “community unity” project set up by Lennox Head Residents Association to help our beautiful coastal town in northern NSW reduce plastic pollution – and bring people together for a positive cause.

About 15 regular volunteers come to the fortnightly sewing bees, everyone gets a kick out of seeing the bags around town and it’s been great to see the whole community get behind the Boomerang Bags project.

There are two kinds of bags the group make: “Borrow & Reuse” bags are free, and customers are asked to reuse or return them; and “Bought to Support” bags are sold for $5 with the proceeds helping to keep the group going. Any profits are donated to environmental charities such as Lennox Head Community Gardens and Australian Seabird Rescue,

Ways to get involved:

  • Come to one of our fortnightly sewing bees (see below for more info). BYO sewing machine if you want to sew, but there are plenty of other jobs too, from ironing and cutting fabric to helping with the screenprinting.
  • Pick up a take-home kit at one of our bees. These have instructions and the bags are pre-cut. A good way to contribute in your time and even make a few Boomerang Bags for your own use.
  • Donate fabric. Just make sure the fabric is clean and not stretchy; we love doona covers, curtains, tea towels and anything fairly sturdy.
  • Get in touch. Feel free to ask us anything about how we got started, what we do, how to get involved, how to stock the bags in your shop, etc. We’re all about spreading the word about this wonderful initiative.


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